Looking for work?
Make sure to include these 5 secrets to finding a job
in the process.
*** Make a “to–do” list for each day ***
It is amazing what can be accomplished when you are organized during your job search. So make a list and follow it each day of the week.
A great way of doing this is with Outlook tasks, especially since you can setup each task to be recreated the next day.
I’ll be honest.
I’m not fond of lists.
However, when there is work to be done there is nothing better than a well functioning list to keep you on track with your goals for that day.
*** Search online for opportunities ***
From job boards to social networking sites, looking for work online is certainly something that you should consider.
I heard about one person who created a Google Adwords PPC Pay-Per-Click campaign focused on nothing other than finding the right job.
NOTE: When using job hunting tips like this one, be sure to keep going instead of letting the social networks bog you down. Otherwise you’ll find the day has passed you by and you have very little to nothing to show for it.
*** Put a P.S. on your cover letter ***
Job searching tips like this one might seem strange but it works.
Think about it.
When you get a junk letter in the mail or eMail, how many times does your eye hit that P.S. before you can get it to file 13? You may not believe it, but if you have taken time to actually look at the letter that P.S. is almost always viewed even if it is subconsciously.
Same thing goes with employment opportunities.
Perhaps it is because people think that a P.S. must be important, not sure. But I do know that it works and works incredibly well in driving attention to your resume.
*** Make sure your home phone and cell phone have voicemail ***
Employers are busy. If they cannot leave a message you might not even know about the missed opportunity as that might be enough for them to go on to the next candidate.
When you do make voice mail available be sure that it sounds professional.
Better yet, try to answer the phone when it rings every time when your job search is on.
*** Hire A Pro ***
And consider hiring a professional consultant to help you find that job you are looking for.
In the IT industry that would be http://ResourcePoint.net that can be reached at 248-649-5600 ext 12, because they handle all aspects of finding Web Developers for consultants and consultants for Web Developing positions. This includes but is not limited to ATG Dynamo – ColdFusion – SAP – TIBCO and the list goes on. Resource Point equals job search secrets unlocked
within the IT industry.
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